Saturday, March 12, 2011

About me

Name: Carmen Yong
Brother(s): None
Sister(s): None
Eye color: Dark Brown
Shoe bsize: 6-7
Hair: Dark Brown
Piercings: 2
Height: 170
What are you wearing now?: A shirt and shorts
Where do you live?: KL
Favourite number: 3
Favourite drink: Milkshake
Favourite month: December
Favourite breakfast : Half boiled egg ♥

Have you ever
Broken a bone: No 
Been in a police car: Never in my entire life ;)
Fallen for a friend: Yupp
Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time: Yupp ==
Swam in the ocean: Yupp
Fallen asleep in school: Yeshh x)
Cried when someone died: None of the people I care died
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Yupp x)
Saved e-mails: Yeapp
Been cheated on: None

Your room like: White wall . And .. messy x)
What is right beside you: Phone
What is the last thing you ate: Pizza

Ever had
Chicken pox: Nope :P
Sore throat: of course -.-
Stitches: Nope
Broken nose: LOL ? -.- nope.

Do you
Believe in love at first sight: NEVER
Like picnic: Yupp

Did you last yell at: My mom -.-
Who was the last person you danced with: FORGOTTTTTT
Who last made you smile: Meii San 

Final questions
What are you listening to right now: Just A Dream
What did you do today: text, online, eat, drink, brush my teeth, wash my face, shower
Diamond or Pearl?: Diamond
Are you the eldest: Yesh =]
Indoors or outdoors: Both ♥

Today did you
Talk to someone you like: No
Kiss anyone: Nope
Sing: Nope :P
Talk to an ex: Nope.
Miss someone: Yupp
Ate: Pizza

Last person who
You talked to on the phone: Wai Hang
Made you cry: "him"
Went to the movies with: "him"
Who cheered you up: Meii San

Have you
Been to mexico: No
Been to USA: No

Have a crush on someone: Dunno
What books are you reading now: None
Best feeling in the world: Being loved and care by my friends and the one I care
Future kid's names: *smirk* Dont know yet
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:  My DOMO  ( ♥ )
What's under your bed: Nothing
Favourite sport(s): Badminton
Favourite place: As long as I'm with my friends or the one I care 
Who you really hate: I don't really hate, beh song got lah :P
Do you have a job: Nope
What time is it now?: 10.48 PM

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