Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Yee Man ♥♥

Hehe~ yesterday go Yee Man's hse lu.. Know why i go?? Cuz the day b4 yesterday i call her from 11pm talk till 3am
Geng mou?? xDD
Thn yesterday 9am woke up and play computer, but suddenly 停電 ><"
Very scare la ~ go call yee man and woke her from her dream :P
Thn talk talk talk ~ ~ ~  Talk till 12pm , dunno why talk till cannot stop gehh -.-"

Thn talk till half , she call me go to her hse lo, thn i ask her go there do wat, thn she say continue to talk la, ahahaha ~ ~

Reached her hse at 1something? Thn we go buy coke, bread and 100plus, but not enough money, so buy coke and bread oni :(

Thn liddat almost 2pm jor ~  Time passes fast.  Go to her hse talk talk talk , why so much things to talk??!!! Btw, Yee Man's sis is really really gorgeous ♥ Even her mum looks young ♥♥

Talk talk talk till 5pm go home. Hahass ~ go there do nothing and talk , till now still alot things to talk :P


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