Monday, March 21, 2011

Meii San's b'day outing

Yes , mei san , i know im lazy , sry today oni post  xDD

Ok ~ fetched Yee Man , went to mid valley , stayed in MPH and read comics =]

Thn , saw Kristen , never talk :X

Thn mei san called me , said she waited for me for like...30mins ald and asked where am i?!!? O_O

Thn... her dad called me :X *shocked*

Met her and Kristen there , went to Speedy ~ to buy CDs , i think its a b'day present for Mei san from kirsten?

They never bought anything , thn we say go Food Court to eat ~ went there ~ who knew we were going to a CD shop near Food Court and nt Food Court? xDD

Thn... went to hang gai ~ i saw DOMO <3<3 my eyes were like @_@ * i wan i wan!!* Meii san saw Stich ~ So i bought her Stich and she bought me domo notebook <3 ( im so evil T^T call ppl to buy me presents on their b'day , sry mei san D: )

Later ,went to Food Courth ( finally~ )  Mei san ate lasagna? xD  it looked more like French toast =]=]

Me and Yee man shared a..............................whats that? ><" forgot....i think pancake? O_O
Uggh!! have to belanja Yee man everything cuz she never brought money T^T

Later...................................... went to bowl ~ ~ Oh it sucks so frigging much D:    Size number 5 is too small for me , and size number 6 is too big for me =S My leg hurt so much , kesian la  xDD
The girl bside us , is like... so LCLY!!! :@:@ Grr~~~  i wanna use the bowling ball and throw it in her friggin face!! Played till halfway , dunno why the gutter thingy stuck there? Thn Meii san use a ball and gently throw it towards there , which is still stuck!! Thn someone there threw the ball back at us , the ball is chasing us!!! D:

After we finished , i was hungry *piggy*   meii san suggested we go to Starbugs to eat =]  Things there were like... expensive like hell @@

bought a cookie and eat @@ it was so thick :O

Yeah, wi-fi , used Kristens Iphone to go on9 =]=]

Thn go home T^T ntg much to write srry meii san <3

Btw , went to domo shoppie , yeah , happy till... can die =]

Pictures ~ *Not clear* i have a lame phone , srry

Sweets , beside the pancake thingy there :D

xDD lollipops <3

My b'day presnt 

Lenq lui and cutie <3

Meli san xDD 
wrong name

Who bowled this? xD

The thingy stuck :X

Mei san threw the ball there

Mei san bowled a strike! im the last T^T

Domo <3

Alot of domos <3<3

Time to eat your medicine =]

Bear <3

Things in Starbugs 
xDD expensive

My cookie

Mei san belanja us ice-cream , it was nice , thx mei san <3<3

Expensive la!!! :@:@

Had a fun time with them , <3 
thx mei san <3
Happy belated 1 day birthday =]

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