Saturday, March 19, 2011

Went to Yee Man's house...Again

Today went to Yee Man's house again cuz she needs to teach me how to clip my hair and everything -.-" ( i know im noob )
3o'clock oni go , then after she taught me , we went to cc (bad) , played computer for like....1 hour.... she created a facebook account but typed wrong name , and now her fb name is "Kuen Yee Mun" LOL.

After that , went to 7eleven to buy something to eat =]

bought a sluppie and a pack of -.-" dunno wats it called.........

later , yee man and her sis played with my hair (barbie doll) , thn we cut my hair , LOLOLOL

*Short post* Going to die soon , cuz i went out with friends too much

Few days ago, went to yee man's hse
Went to play badminton with Ducky
Went to Time Square with lobak and fishy
Went to yee man's hse
tomorrow going to mei san's b'day outing
= =" IM DEAD

Yee man's hamster , its sho fluffy ~

Half drank sluppie


 Makanan yang sedap xD

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