Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Ducky ~ ~

Can you believe me ?  Yesterday talk to Yee Man from 12am to 3am -.-   Then accidentally talked too loud let my mum hear ><"
die ~ ~ She scolded me  T^T   Thn sleep till today 12pm. Woke by ducky's phone call  = =" She wants me to go play badminton with her in Endah parade ( no idea where is it )

Reached there, found out im the first one to reach -.-  which really sucks , cuz i've only been to Endah parade once with my mum , avina and ducky , and ducky asked me to meet her at MCD , and i have no idea where is MCD @@

To keep me company , ducky was on the phone with me for like....15 minutes  xDD

Thn when she reached , she was finding a few friends of hers , and that 2 friends is 2 guys that are really short and look like 7 years old ( im evil )

Started playing badminton , me and ducky keep laughing and talking , ahaha . Cannot blame us la ~ so long never see , sure a lot of thngs to talk about :P

At 4pm like dat, we were hungry , time for food <3     Went to MCD and eat ~ ~ seperate bills , no belanja D:

Thn go home jor , btw , my ducky is still the same, not changing <3 oni getting prettier

T^T  Will be missing ducky , but is going to time square with Ducky , Fishy and Lobak <3

My ducky will always be this perasan

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