Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Skipping tuiton, ahaha ~

*Short post*

xD  Very happy ~  Cuz today tuiton malay ~ And i hate malay most!! :@  Juz now angry mum don't let me go luu ~ thn dont talk to her ... (bad daughter)  thn she let me dont go tuiton and go hang gai arh :P

Bought 2 tickets for "Alien need moms" :D  And saw a movie i wanted to watch but not with my mum -.-" The movie is call Black Swan. Wonder if it's nice :O

After buyin the tickets went and eat, forgot the name of the shops  = =  i have a bad memory ~

Thats all for now :P need to shower, mum's gonna kill me if i dont

Black swan


Cold chocolate , haha ~

Half eaten crepe
i know it looks disgusting, but its yummy, haha

What i watched >.<
it was nice 

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